Content Marketing Insights: Tips for Keeping Your Audience Engaged and Returning for More with Relevant Content

Jan 20, 2022
tips to keep your audience engaged

Creating and delivering content can seem like a daunting task, for both small organizations and companies with a large team solely focused on content. Available resources depend on your team, but the good thing is that once you’ve created a few pieces, it’s easy to build off those pieces to keep your audience engaged. If your content marketing plan is strategic and built for your target audience, they too will always consume more of your content because it’s easy to find and relevant to them.

So, what’s the best way to get started on creating content that keeps visitors coming back to your website? Check out these three key tips to keep your audience engaged and returning for more.

Personalize and Tailor Content to Buyer Pain Points and Needs

Personalization is important. When a user is reading your content, it should be relevant to them, whether it be something in their industry, related to their role or a general interest of theirs. Oftentimes, someone finds your content due to their search query, which is most likely a question or problem they’re struggling with. Ensuring your content answers that question, and offers strategic tips and best practices to implement, is a key part of personalization.

As someone is reading an article, blog, eBook or another piece of content, it’s a good idea to make sure they can quickly and easily find another similar piece. This can be accomplished by having your website offer up content as a user is reading, such as internal links or a call-to-action, or you could provide links to more content in other marketing activities like email marketing. One thing is for certain, make sure the content is always there and always easy to find which helps keep your audience engaged.

Looking for tips on elevating your content marketing tactics? Download our B2B Content Marketing Guide for key strategies on content planning for successful lead generation.

Gate Long-Form Content to Capture Key Information

When you provide content to a user, don’t give it all away at once. “Gating” assets, putting the content behind a form that someone must fill out before accessing, is a tactic to implement for long-form content pieces such as eBooks or guides. Content like this tends to be more valuable, thus requiring someone to fill out a form. This information can be used to get more insight into who your audience is and who is engaging with your content. This is something you wouldn’t be able to see if someone reads a blog since there is no way to capture their information. Plus, once a lead gets a sense of the great information offered in a gated piece of content, they’ll keep returning for more as your team can create them.

Monitor Content Marketing Analytics to Make Decisions About Content

Monitoring content marketing analytics can help you make decisions about future content. Tracking things like content page views and engagement can give you a better understanding of where your customers are and are not going. This gives insight into topics they tend to gravitate toward on your website. You can utilize these content pieces to leverage calls-to-action and links to gated content assets. Plus, this can help you make decisions about future content to develop and deliver.

Craft Compelling Content with a Content Marketing Strategy and Plan

Returning visitors to your site shows promise that your content is making an impact, relevant to them and engaging enough to keep them coming back for more. Understanding their pain points to personalize content, capturing key information about visitors and monitoring analytics can all lead to audiences returning to your site consistently.

Want to create a content marketing strategy and plan that delivers the right content to audiences? Check out our Content Marketing Strategy and Plan Course. This course includes a step-by-step guide to building a content marketing strategy and plan that delivers next-level lead generation and revenue. From shaping content goals to assessing target audiences and identifying a content mix, this course covers all the aspects that contribute to a content plan. With interactive templates and exercises and the opportunity for one-to-one marketing coaching, this course is a complete experience that is designed to form a strong content marketing foundation for your organization that is repeatable and scalable in the future.  

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Choose a course and start your first session today. Within weeks, you’ll have the strategy and plan to launch or elevate marketing that delivers measurable results for your business.